Last Updated on February 19, 2017 by Dr.Derek Fhisher

Flonase Fluticasone 25, 50, 125 mcg
Most popular brand: Flonase
Active ingredient: Fluticasone
Available dosage forms: 25, 50, 125 mcg
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Fluticasone general information

Fluticasone propionate is essentially a steroid that is intended to decrease inflammation within the lungs. Corticosteroids are primarily used for lessening the inflammation brought on by an allergic reaction. If antibiotics are administered within the absence of the bacterial infection, the excellent bacteria are killed, permitting the fungus to thrive. In children, intake of the medicine may lead to the development of conjunctivitis. People who really do not experience much difference within the allergy symptoms need to continue together with the maintenance shots for a lengthy period. They’re also advised to prevent exposure to the particular allergen.

Blood tests in many cases are useful to detect pseudomonas infections that can simply be medicated with antibiotics. If required, doctors might also prescribe antihistamines. It is wise to consult with a physician in case of the serious infection. Before using almost any allergy medications, please talk with your physician. Which is why, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor once you notice the rashes. Therefore, people taking specific medications like antibiotics, antimalarial medications, diuretics as well as heart medications must not take magnesium supplementation without consulting a physician.

Inner ear infection can be quite painful as well as the symptoms related to it can make your own life pretty miserable. Mouth sores or blisters might be caused because of variety of reasons. In such circumstances, nasal sprays are available in quite handy to supply instant relief. A sinus infection is mostly due to bacteria and stuffiness is felt within the nose because of accumulation of mucus. When the infection subsides, things will contact usual. It shouldn’t be stopped within the middle even in the event the symptoms disappear.

The crucial factors which can bring about anosmia are as follows. This subsequently leads to a queasy feeling within the stomach. Nausea may also result in a feeling of heaviness and ringing within the head. however, it mostly concentrates within the stomach. Nausea may be indicative of a lot of other difficulties. The symptoms of this may be as follows and might be deciphered from these conditions. You can undertake several things to do to remedy the problems resulting from the varied symptoms of the queasy stomach.

Treatment is targeted at relieving the symptoms related to sinus headache. Mostly, an exact diagnosis can be created with tissue samples that need testing in a lab. Bronchoscopic findings are often nondiagnostic, and many patients require open lung biopsy. Anti-viral medications may be required for healing cold sores. Zinc is still another mineral which helps remove ear infection. This is truly one remedy that is nearly too favorable to be true.

Indigestion can result from many factors. Critically very low rates of potassium is life-threatening as it might cause permanent muscle destruction, kidney deterioration, paralysis, etc.. Inside this condition, there’s an inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis), resulting in formation of polyps. As pointed out earlier, an excess of calcium is the thing that leads to this condition called calcification within the lungs. In the event the blisters are because of nutritional deficiencies, the physician might suggest the application of certain nutritional supplements. Because of hormonal changes, sinus infection can happen when pregnant.

Active – active substance / start: fluticasone

Avamys; Kutiveyt; Nazarel; Fliksotid; Fliksonaze ​​; fluticasone; Fluticasone propionate; Fluticasone furoate; Fluticasone.

fluticasone – glucocorticoid agent for external and local application. Fluticasone has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, is used in bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and dermatoses sensitive to glucocorticoids. Systemic effects of the drug minimal.

Active – active substance:
fluticasone / fluticasone propionate / fluticasone / Fluticasone.

Dosage Forms:
metered aerosol for inhalation.
powder for inhalation in rotadiskah.
metered spray for intranasal use.


Properties / Action:
Fluticasone – glucocorticoid drug. Available in forms for topical and local application. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Systemic effects of the drug minimal.

Inhaled forms:

  • The reference anti-inflammatory treatment of asthma.
    Nasal Spray:
  • Prevention and treatment of allergic rhinitis.
    For external use (cream, ointment):
    The drug is used in children and adults to reduce inflammation and relieve itching symptoms of acute and chronic dermatoses amenable to SCS therapy, in Vol. h.
  • Eczema (including atopic, discoid and children);
  • nodosum scrapie;
  • Psoriasis (excluding widespread plaque psoriasis);
  • Neyrodermatozy, including lichen simplex;
  • Lichen planus;
  • contact sensitivity reactions;
  • discoid lupus erythematosus;
  • Generalized erythroderma (as an adjunct to corticosteroids therapy for systemic use);
  • Insect bites;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.
    fluticasone are used to decrease the risk of relapse in chronic atopic eczema, if marked therapeutic effect in the treatment of the acute phase of the disease.

    Dosage and administration:
    Inhaled forms:
    Adults and children over 16 years prescribed 100 mg 2 times a day every day.
    In bronchial asthma lung flow appoint 100 – 250 mg 2 times a day.
    In bronchial asthma of moderately severe flow – 250 – 500 mg 2 times a day.
    In bronchial asthma heavy currents – 500 mg 2 times a day.
    Children older than 4 years, depending on the degree of asthma severity appoint 50 – 100 mg 2 times a day every day.
    The dose can be corrected depending on the individual patient response.
    Nasal Spray:
    Adults and children over 12 years: 100 mcg in each nostril, preferably in the morning. If needed – 100 mg 2 times a day. The maximum daily dose – 400 micrograms (100 mcg in each nostril 2 times / day). Older patients recommended average therapeutic dose intended for adults.
    Children from 4 to 12 years: 50 micrograms in each nasal passage 1 time per day, preferably in the morning; if necessary, use the multiplicity can be increased to 2 – twice a day.
    In order to achieve maximum efficiency it is important to regular use of the drug. The maximum effect is 3 – 4 days of treatment.
    For external use (cream, ointment):
    fluticasone in the form of a cream can be used in children older than 6 months, in the form of ointment can be used in children older than 1 year.
    In the treatment of acute and chronic dermatoses in adults and children a thin layer of ointment or cream to the affected skin 1 – 2 times / day.
    To reduce the risk of relapse after achieving a therapeutic effect in the acute phase of the frequency of application of a cream or ointment is reduced: It is recommended to apply once the drug 2 times a week without the imposition of occlusive dressings. It applies to all previously affected skin, or on areas where we can expect manifestations of the disease recurrence.
    The use of fluticasone is recommended to combine with soothing cosmetics. It is recommended to regularly monitor the condition of the patient throughout the course of therapy.

    In the application of fluticasone at doses higher than recommended, there may be an acute overdose (the probability is very small), which manifests the temporary suppression of adrenocortical function.
    specific therapy is required. Treatment should be continued at a dose sufficient to control the disease. adrenal function will recover in a few days.
    With long-term use of the drug in a daily dose of 1000 – 2000 mg may develop chronic overdose, which is also manifested suppression of adrenocortical function, signs of Cushing. It is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug.

    All forms:

  • Individual intolerance (including a history of hypersensitivity) fluticasone;
  • primary untreated virus (herpes simplex, chicken pox), bacterial and fungal infections.
    The ointment and cream:
  • rosacea;
  • acne vulgaris;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • perianal and genital itching;
    The use of fluticasone in the form of a cream is contraindicated in children younger than 6 months.
    The use of fluticasone in the form of an ointment is contraindicated in children younger than 1 year.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation:
    It is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The safety of fluticasone during pregnancy and lactation has not been established definitively.
    The use of fluticasone during pregnancy is possible only when the intended benefits to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
    At the moment not known whether fluticasone propionate passes into breast milk, however, given the pharmacokinetic profile of the drug, suggest that this is unlikely.

    Side effects:
    Inhaled forms:
    The local reaction may develop candidiasis of the mouth and throat, hoarseness appearance.
    Perhaps the development of paradoxical bronchospasm.
    Systemic reactions. systemic effects of increased risk in the event of prolonged high doses of inhaled glyukokortikoiodov and / or intermittent treatment with oral corticosteroids. In children, systemic side effects are usually observed.
    Nasal Spray:
    It is very rare – dryness and irritation of the nose and throat, unpleasant taste and smell. In rare cases – nasal septum perforation, especially in surgical interventions in the nasal cavity in history.
    Cream, ointment:
    Local reactions: possible burning and itching at the site of application of the drug.
    With prolonged use can atrophic skin changes: thinning, striae, dilation of superficial blood vessels, hypertrichosis, hypopigmentation.
    In a few cases – allergic contact dermatitis, secondary infection, especially when using occlusive dressings, and when applying the drug to the area of ​​skin folds.
    Systemic reactions: long-term use at high doses can be systemic absorption of the drug to the development of symptomatic Cushing. It occurs most often in infants, because diapers may act as an occlusive bandage.

    Special instructions and precautions:
    Inhaled forms:
    fluticasone administered with caution in patients with concomitant pulmonary tuberculosis.
    fluticasone is not intended for the relief of asthma attacks.
    The treatment of asthma should be carried out strictly according to the program developed by a specialist. During treatment requires regular monitoring of the patient, assessment of indicators of respiratory function, assessment of the daily requirement of inhaled beta2 – agonists.
    If the application of fluticasone underperforms or during treatment occurs exacerbation of asthma, it is necessary to increase the dose of fluticasone and / or, if necessary, appoint glucocorticoids inside; it is recommended to appoint an antibacterial drug if infection is present.
    Translation patients who received prolonged periods of high doses of glucocorticoids inside to fluticasone therapy is carried out gradually. It should be borne in mind that in such cases requires regular monitoring of adrenocortical function, since these patients can take place its inhibition. After transferring to inhaled glucocorticoids in patients who have symptoms of depression of adrenocortical function, you should always carry a card with a warning about the need for additional use of systemic glucocorticoid with severe asthma attack, severe intercurrent diseases (including infectious), surgery, trauma, and other stressful situations.
    fluticasone treatment should not be stopped abruptly.
    In order to prevent the development of candidiasis after use of fluticasone should rinse your mouth; if necessary throughout the treatment period and may have a topical antifungal medication.
    For the prevention of paradoxical bronchospasm before inhalation of fluticasone should conduct inhalation beta2 – adrenomimetic.
    After the transition to an inhaled glucocorticoid treatment possible exacerbation of allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis or eczema, which were not shown on the background of systemic glucocorticoid. These diseases should be treated with antihistamines and / or related drugs for topical application (including corticosteroids).
    Nasal Spray:
    Infections of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are not an absolute contraindication for the use of the drug, but require concomitant treatment.
    Caution must be exercised in the appointment of fluticasone after systemic use of glucocorticoids (especially in case of violation of adrenal function).
    Despite the fact that fluticasone good control of seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms may require additional therapy to control eye symptoms.
    In the long-term use of inhaled corticosteroids in high doses should be borne in mind the possibility of suppressing the activity of the hypothalamic – pituitary – adrenal system.
    Cream, ointment:
    Prolonged external application of potent glucocorticoid drugs atrophic changes often occur on the face than on the other parts of the body. It should be borne in mind when treating diseases such as psoriasis, discoid lupus erythematosus and severe eczema.
    When applying fluticasone forever to avoid contact with the drug in the eye, as this may cause local irritation or glaucoma.
    In psoriasis, local glucocorticoids can cause a number of complications, including relapses, development of tolerance, generalized pustular psoriasis, as well as the emergence of symptoms of local or systemic effect caused by the breach of the skin barrier function.
    In the treatment of secondarily infected inflammatory lesions need to apply appropriate antimicrobials.
    The risk of developing bacterial infections is increased in warm and humid conditions, which can occur under occlusive dressings, so before applying a new skin every time the dressing should be carefully processed.
    Long-term application of ointment or cream on extensive areas of the body in high doses can lead to the suppression of adrenocortical function. Recommended for use in minimal doses fluticasone providing a therapeutic effect.
    Use in pediatrics:
    Long-term application of ointment or cream on extensive areas of the body in high doses, especially in infants and young children, can lead to the suppression of adrenocortical function.
    In children, the ratio of body surface to body mass is higher than in adults. Therefore, the children may undergo systemic absorption of relatively large amounts of topical corticosteroids and children may be more exposed to the drug system. We recommend using fluticasone in minimal doses, providing a therapeutic effect.

    Drug Interactions:
    There is currently no established clinically significant interactions of fluticasone with other drugs.

    Dispensed by prescription.

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