Last Updated on August 12, 2018 by Dr.Derek Fhisher

Recently, the whole world speaks about the practice of awareness. And this is fine, because now we are particularly lacking some elusive, but important element of our life. Sometimes we start to guess that we do not have enough of ourselves – our readiness or ability to be present in our own lives and live it as if it really means something, at the only moment that we will ever have, that is, here and now, – and that we are worthy and able to live our lives just like that. This is a very bold and extremely important thought, and it could change the world. At least it will change the lives of those who decide to take a step in this direction and help these people to appreciate and feel the fullness of life.

In yoga, samadhi is the last step of the eightfold path of Ashtanga Yoga. This is a special contemplative state, in which the idea of ​​one’s own personality disappears. In fact, there is a state of enlightenment (nirvana). It is achieved through prolonged meditation, as a result of which the individual consciousness merges with the absolute.
Pilot Baba says: “Samadhi is the way out of everything. You are in yourself, but you are a cosmos and you are nothing. Samadhi dissolves the boundaries between personality and the shell, the boundaries between you and time are blurred. Distances disappear. All the time it becomes real – there is no past, there is no future, you just are.”

How to attain Samadhi?

According to the teachings of yoga, Samadhi suddenly appears during meditation – the flow of thoughts naturally stops. The reserves of ideas and experiences are depleted, but the state of concentration continues.

According to Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, Samadhi can not be achieved either by effort of will, or by a strong desire for this sensation. Samadhi comes and develops only with experience.

There are two kinds (stages) of Samadhi or ecstasy.

1. Samadhi is achieved by means of an object or idea (fixation of thought on a point or idea). It is ecstasy with a support, or differentiated – discriminating – ecstasy, its name in Sanskrit – samprajnata Samadhi. This kind of Samadhi is a means of liberation, since it makes possible the realization of truth and stops all kinds of suffering.

2. Samadhi is achieved without any “connection” (internal or external), that is, the yogi achieves “unification” – full awareness. It is undifferentiated – indistinguishable – ecstasy, in Sanskrit – asampradjanate Samadhi. This kind of Samadhi destroys the “impressions” (Sanskara) of previous mental actions and can even stop the already activated by past actions karmic forces.

Thus, we are dealing with two completely different states. The first is achieved through the yogic technique of concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana); the second consists only of one state – unprovoked ecstasy – a “breakthrough”. Undoubtedly, asampradjanate Samadhi is achieved solely through the long efforts of the yogi. It is not a gift or a favor. And a yogi is unlikely to be able to achieve it, unless he has previously experienced Samadhi with support.

Here it is worth noting that in Bhakti Yoga, Samadhi is achieved by devotional service and worship of God, and by the constant focus of the mind on God’s realization.

Who can attain?

Do not think that Samadhi is some kind of “miracle” or something that someone can sell you, donate, or pass, and what you need to go to a sect or go to the Himalayas. Samadhi is not a secret intellectual knowledge and not a secret technique, but a state that comes as a result of the correct, persistent practice of yoga.

Samadhi is available to anyone who is willing to go beyond the physical and applied understanding of yoga and forever change their lives by embarking on the path of spiritual perfection.

Why attain Samadhi?

It is believed that with the help of Samadhi it is possible not only to develop spiritually, but also to make scientific discoveries, create outstanding works of art, predict the future, treat – and almost anything else. Adherents of this point of view even claim that without the attainment of Samadhi, for at least a brief moment, I can not create a brilliant work of art, or make a significant outstanding discovery. In this way, Samadhi can make a genius of any person, not to mention the fact that such a condition cures all diseases. After all, according to the logic of yoga, illnesses (like all other problems of the body and mind) take the source in our deep subconscious “storerooms” – in what are called “samskaras”, restrictions). Samadhi purifies all this, like water washes away dirt.

The growing popularity of yoga classes has developed an increased interest in nirvana as the highest form of enlightenment and unity with absolute consciousness.

Contemplation of one’s own consciousness or Samadhi is distinguished by the disappearance of an independent human individuality and merging with divine powers. This term came from Hindu and Buddhist directions of relaxation, so it is closely connected with practices of concentration and meditation.

A detailed description of samadhi meditations

Many lovers and inexperienced yoga practitioners have an important dilemma: the state of Samadhi – what is it?

Someone, for example, usually thinks that we are talking about a kind of ecstasy or the process of dissolution in the unconscious layers of the mind. But this opinion is erroneous, since the consciousness at the moment of achieving Samadhi is preserved, as is the concentration of the person. Just a state of this type is a kind of a point of no return beyond which there really is no consciousness. A deep level of consciousness is the activity of an atmic body without mental activity.

The basic features of the state of Samadhi include such aspects as:

The emergence of intuitive connections and a new form of perception of reality. Consciousness is completely freed from the physical environment.
Formation of maximum detachment, transmitting enlightenment and peace, and also expressing peace, joy and bliss.
Connection with God through direct assimilation to the Higher Self. The subject merges with what he contemplates. The soul dissolves in the realm of absolute consciousness.
The disappearance of external objects of reality as well as the internal aspects of the world. The state disables all the basic types of human senses.

Categories of Samadhi

Historical practice shows that the main types of Samadhi are divided according to a single criterion – the holding of the object in the mind for the support of focused attention.

If this object has a role for the concentration of the subject, Samadhi proceeds with the so-called seed. This state is also called “Sabija”, and in it the outside world still restricts the individual, albeit insignificantly.

Samprajnath Samadhi

If the entrance into ecstasy is interfaced with various objects or ideas on which thoughts are to be fixed, then Samadhi of this type can also be called “samprgjnata Samadhi” – a state that differentiates things. This is nothing more than a means of freeing the subject from suffering and destroying impressions, as well as the process of realizing the truth.

Such a Samadhi has a significant disadvantage: it is able to destroy the good karma that was earned by a person earlier.


The higher varieties of Samadhi flow without seed, this is nirbidja. At such a deep stage of enlightenment, all boundaries and blocks are destroyed, the need for a supporting object disappears, and consciousness reaches absolute purity.

A person is unified with the Higher Self, and this can be called “asamprajnata Samadhi” – a state that does not discriminate between objects, in which all mental functions are blocked.

The stages of Samadhi

If we consider enlightenment as a multi-level process, then there are three stages of Samadhi: Savikalpa, Nirvikalpa and Sahaja.



Savikalpa samadhi represents a high, unidirectional state of consciousness that is associated with the natural acceptance of God. Here the impressions of life remain, and consciousness ceases to work only partially. Man at this stage is freed from his personality, comprehends the Great Truth.

Savikalpa is also understood by yogis as the highest kind of small Samadhi, in which changes occur in the human mind, but the duality of the subject and the object remains. This stage of enlightenment is easily mastered through meditative practices, and its duration is determined by the efforts of man.

Savikalpa Samadhi is not fully considered a release from the external world, because attention to the Higher Self is very quickly dispelled and all awareness of oneself and God as a whole ends. Determine the occurrence of savikalpa can be due to the weakening of the respiratory process, slow heart rate and loss of sensation of the mass of his body.

Being at this stage, the yogi is able to enter into a state of joy, i. E. to comprehend the blissful (sananda) Samadhi. Also, a special feeling is the realization at this stage of oneself – asmita Samadhi.


Nirvikalpa is a total immersion in bliss, conducted along with self-awareness. At this stage the mind no longer perceives the differences between the worlds, it does not separate the subject and the object, experiencing the non-dual Void with the Clear Light. The person also stops breathing and completely lacks a pulse.

Nirvikalpa Samadhi is also a temporary process of awareness, which is limited to one’s own ego. The yogi plunges into trance and does not perceive the external reality, but upon returning to the body his skills and illusions regain their life. Nirvikalpa is distinguished by a person’s ability to experience the world without the standard sense organs, as well as the cessation of the work of all mental functions.

Absolute management of consciousness and impartiality of a person helps to achieve this state. As a result, Samadhi of this level allows even to stop the chain of karmic rebirth. Yoga is available to all knowledge, higher freedom and independence, it is able to move in time and space.

Naturally, nirvikalpa allows you to move away from sadness, suffering, doubt, antipathy. Also this state differs in that a person does not just feel the divine pleasure, but becomes it.

If a yogi first reaches this stage of Samadhi, he can not return to earth, having been too long in another reality. Also, there is a chance to forget your own skills, age, name.

Sahaja Samadhi

The most ideal state, the higher stay in natural meditation without effort after the final destruction of the ego. This, by the way, is the main practice in Laya Yoga, because without Sahaj, one can not imagine the complete liberation of man from himself and unity with the Source of all things. At this stage, the yogis are in another dimension of reality.

Sahaja allows a person to function in the physical world, but his heart is always filled with divine enlightenment.

Saruba samadhi

In the framework of Laya Yoga, it is also customary to single out Saruba Samadhi. This is the transition from the physical body to the body of glory. The point is that the elements of the human body can acquire the ability to dissolve and transform into a golden light body of an intangible nature.

As for the well-known Yoga Sutra theory, according to its postulates, Samadhi is achieved by overcoming spiritual intermediate states.

These are such steps as:

Savitarka – a mixed state of transition from the word to true meaning and sensory perception.
Nirvitarka is the realization by the mind of oneself, as well as the illumination of the true knowledge of the object after the purification of memory.
Savicara – the process of concentration on the form of judgment without verbal reflection.
Nirvichara is the highest form of superconsciousness, a spiritual glow that brings out the idea, time and space out of consciousness, but retains the essential nature of thinking.
Ananda is the causal consciousness in which bliss is the object of the fusion.
Asmita – the highest stage of Atmic consciousness, where the consciousness itself is considered as the object of fusion.

How to achieve Samadhi

The basic means that help a person achieve Samadhi are:

Deep and genuine faith in the Higher Self.
Advanced memory skills.
Focused consciousness.
The skill of distinguishing illusion and reality.
Detachment from the world.
All-consuming thirst for liberation.

Of great importance for the student studying Samadhi is the intensity of his striving for spiritual growth, the maximum confidence in enlightenment. In other words, faith in what a person does, instantly realizes the full potential of this action. In addition, to achieve unity with the absolute is possible with the help of God’s grace, when it comes to the higher levels of Samadhi.

It should be noted that the real entrance into Samadhi is achieved only after appropriate spiritual restrictions. We must abandon negative thoughts, stop deceiving and always tell the truth. It is necessary to accept the world and the whole environment in their original image. It is not recommended to devote much time to carnal forms of pleasure and gluttony. It is important to learn to eat right and control your life.

In turn, such things as doubt, sleep, habits, pride and illnesses greatly interfere with the achievement of this state. It is impossible to come to Samadhi with the help of strong-willed efforts or only at the expense of an acute desire. The main role is played only by the accumulated experience, on the management of consciousness. As practice shows, the way out to full enlightenment is possible either through regular meditative practices, or at the expense of yoga.

Samadhi Yoga Classes

Samadhi Yoga is the final stage of the eightfold path in the Ashtanga Yoga system. Therefore the term “Samadhi” is very close to the tradition of Zen Buddhism, where a similar state is attained-satori-achieved, however, by other methods.

Ashtanga-yoga is based on 8 steps, which first turn off consciousness, and then help to expand it:

Yama – social rules of harmonious behavior.
Niyama – personal norms of human action (rules of life and hygiene).
Asanas are safe and healthy yoga poses in statistical form.
Pranayama – consecutive breathing exercises, as well as work with the human energy field.
Pratyahara is the practice of disabling all the basic senses.
Dharana is the maximum concentration of the mind.
Dhyana is a unidirectional and in-depth concentration on internal images for a long time.
Samadhi is the stage of the total cognition of the object or the Supreme Being, merging with it and the realization of a complete common identity.

Each of the stages helps to move forward, therefore the yogi who has mastered the Eight-step Royal Way of Comprehension of Unity in full, is able to achieve the most profound kinds of Samadhi. At any stage, several techniques are also presented at once, forming a subtle perception of reality and harmonizing the consciousness. The first five stages help to eliminate external disturbances in the process of relaxation, and the rest – destroy the mental manifestations of brain activity and various anxious reflections.

The acquisition of Samadhi is also possible in Bhakti Yoga. The basic conditions for understanding this state are the stable orientation of the mind to its awareness and sincere service to God. No less effective for achieving Samadhi are such directions of purification of consciousness as Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga.

The difference between Samadhi and yoga is that it does not require compulsory following of moral principles, but emphasizes purification and strengthening of the body. In principle, it is not so important that around which concepts or ideals will be concentrated a set of techniques that will help the consciousness to proceed calmly and without interference. You can choose any favorite direction of yoga, which will help transform the mind and rebuild its functional skills.

Such forms of yoga practice as Swatmarama offer, for example, different schemes of classes from Ashtanga:

Six types of yoga cleansing of the body by the Shatkarma technique. This includes washing the nose, gazing at the candle, applying salted water, strengthening the muscles and then shaking the abdominal organs.
Practices to improve the energy conductivity of the body and a better perception of the processes of the inner world. These are asanas, pranayama, bandhas (work with energy blocks), mudras (right hand positions).
Practices for the realization of one’s own Higher nature and immersion in the Higher, activation of the divine principle within oneself for obtaining absolute wisdom.
Deep meditations are Samyama. This is a synthesis of concentration, contemplation and meditation, i.e. the use of dharana, dhyana and Samadhi at the same time.

Where to start yoga practice

To begin with, it is recommended to set the correct daily routine, doing at sunrise or closer to sunset. Do not need to learn new asanas immediately before going to bed and on a full stomach. It is advisable to buy yourself a comfortable mat for classes, free natural clothes. Only then you can go to the complex of static postures and dynamic exercises to strengthen the body.

Naturally, it is not possible to achieve Samadhi in the first days of yoga. First you need to master many hours of practice of asanas without fatigue of the body. Practice gradually and do not forget about proper breathing. The independent learning process can be combined with video courses or reading the necessary literature. Be engaged daily, giving to a complex employment even half an hour.

Meditation of Samadhi: how to do and what to remember

Meditation of Samadhi represents very long relaxing sessions, which are aimed at removing the facets between the outer and inner worlds. In the process of meditation, the state of Samadhi arises suddenly, when the stream of thoughts is exhausted, and experiences with ideas recede into the background.

It is very important to note that meditation differs from concentration, because in the class, the person pays attention to the enhanced and expanded awareness.

The purpose of meditation is to get out of the state of gross consciousness, separating its illusory “I” from the true and eternal.

By and large, any meditation is a part of any yoga-direction, after all this is the real training of the mind.

For meditation to be successful and every time to bring a person closer to the exit into Samadhi, one should constantly improve oneself. It is necessary to get rid of negative emotions and thoughts, the desire to offend or revenge. The basis of healthy meditation is the creative energy, not the force of destruction. Sessions can take place in both a collective and an individual format.

The simplest meditative practice that allows you to work on a person’s consciousness in a trance is the mantra. It is about reading special sounds, a prayer that clears the head of unnecessary thoughts. Repetition of mantras is carried out in a static asana, but not aloud, but to oneself.

When a person has already learned to work with the main types of mantra, he may need a personal sound. Then the “Sahaj Samadhi meditation” course comes to the rescue, which can be conducted under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Such exercises significantly deepen the meditative experience, allow you to relax and dissolve the inner blocks. Mantra improves the person’s self-expression, his ability to observe, the perception of the world. As a result, the individual is able to interact with the world around him much more effectively.

The results of such meditation are very versatile:

Increases working capacity due to the regular energy tide;
The technique of deep recovery and improvement of sleep quality is assimilated;
Psychological tension, aggression and chronic stress disappear;
The mental potential of a person is spent 100% even outside of practice;
The coefficient IQ increases many times regardless of the age of the person;
Develop creative skills, intuitive abilities, internal harmony is achieved.

The main question that interests everyone who seems to be attractive is Sahaj Samadhi meditation: how to do this practice. In fact, you can master the technique in three days, spending only 1-2 hours every day. Samadhi’s experience is very simple and can return to the person at any time at his will. In fact, a person simply learns to observe his mind, releases all attachments and goes into a new natural state.

Useful recommendations for meditation

Many mistakenly think that activation of the heart center helps to reach the nirvikalpa level. The fact is that these are different practices. Immersion into the depths of the heart allows one to achieve a sense of union with the inner self, whereas nirvikalpa Samadhi requires going beyond the mind, so that a merger with God is achieved.
Before the attainment of true Samadhi (to any degree), many inner spiritual experiences will have to be overcome. If a person is constantly in search, sooner or later he will be ready for savikalpa Samadhi. And, perhaps, this stage will be enough for him for several years, and even for the rest of his life. Nirvikalpa is reached at the highest stage of aspiration.

The stage of savikalpa Samadhi is able to be held by a person for several hours in a row after regular practice. More than 1-2 days in this state do not stay. But nirvikalpa Samadhi can last 7-10 days. At the behest of divine mercy, the liberated soul can also remain at this stage for up to 3 weeks or altogether leave the earthly body forever.
Immersion in Samadhi is the separation of a person from a body. The subject has lost feelings and the mind, he does not feel anything, he just is. Samadhi is a state of total loneliness of an individual when everything around disappears.
If you are in a state of Samadhi, other people around you will not appear as ordinary physical entities. You can see their stream of consciousness, large or small, depending on the person’s closeness to Samadhi.
Immersion in Samadhi allows a person to experience greater love and compassion. In this state, the individual acts as the center and source of a single being, therefore he is able to create, perform scientific research, self-heal and predict the future. Samadhi allows you to turn a person into a true genius.
There is a stage that is much higher and deeper than all the stages of Samadhi. This is already a process of absolute divine transformation. When a person is able to transform consciousness in the internal and external aspects, he no longer has to return to the real world by an ordinary individual and suffer from ignorance of others.

Samadhi directly brings a person to the long-awaited nirvana. Thanks to some efforts and observance of all necessary conditions, each of us is able to achieve peace and clarity of consciousness, merge with the cosmic absolute and destroy the contradictions of the external and internal worlds.

Meditation Leads to Samadhi

“To get Samadhi one needs to do reflection. One can take after different ways, for example, the line of dedication. On the off chance that you implore you can get a ton of dedication. Be that as it may, you can’t get Samadhi.”

“In the event that you contemplate for a hour every day then your brain will go under control. One day you will get Samadhi and afterward you won’t know about to what extent you have been sitting in reflection.”

“You do get Samadhi on the off chance that you reflect for 60 minutes. Consequently the term of reflection will increment. You won’t have any idea of time once you get into Samadhi. You would not know whether it is a hour for sure.”

“You need to expand the season of contemplation continuously. You will get into Samadhi on the off chance that you step by step continue expanding the term of reflection. When you go into the condition of Samadhi you will get separation. When separation comes then the contemplation naturally advances independent from anyone else.”

“Swamiji ensures edification yet you should reflect exceptionally well for one hour daily.”

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