Last Updated on August 11, 2022 by Dr.Derek Fhisher

Does everyone know that these blue pills are not only used to treat impotence? In fact, the scope of “Viagra” is much wider.

We suggest you get acquainted with various unusual ways of its use, some of which are very interesting.


1. Strengthening family relationships

At a research center in Cairo, Egypt, doctors are using Viagra to restore marital relationships. Promising results: 32 of 35 patients were able to overcome their sexual problems in less than a month of treatment.

The goal of this study is to find ways to treat psychogenic erectile dysfunction (physiological problems caused by stress). If the results of the study are positive, Viagra may become an effective solution to the problem of families where sexual relations have weakened or ceased altogether.

2. Cancer treatment

Recent studies have shown that Viagra can shrink cancerous tumors. Researchers have found that Viagra can help stop tumor growth and protect the heart from damage when combined with certain anti-cancer drugs. A drug called doxorubicin in a series of chemotherapy drugs combined with Viagra may be more effective in treating prostate cancer. Scientists say that Viagra enhances the effects of doxorubicin and reduces the degree of side effects.

3. Saving rare animals, endangered species

In many areas of China, tiger bone has traditionally been used to treat impotence. Because of this, tigers in China are endangered. And it’s not just tigers that are hunted. There is a great demand for reindeer antlers and seal genitalia, which are rumored to help improve potency. In Canada, reindeer, harp seals and harp seals are nearly extinct because of this. However, with the advent of cheap and affordable alternatives to reindeer antlers, demand has dropped by 70%, and seal trade organizations have gone into oblivion altogether.

4. Preservation of endangered animals

It has long been known that pandas do not breed in captivity. One can understand them. Who wants to do such a responsible job in public? But a few blue pills change everything. I don’t know about pandas in their natural habitat, but in cages it takes 30 seconds and that’s it. But after taking Viagra, pandas have a mating process that lasts 20 minutes. Especially if you combine taking blue pills with watching special “erotic” movies for pandas, which has been practiced for several years in the Wolong zoo (China).

5. Improvement of sports performance

Athletes use Viagra to improve their performance. It has long been no secret that many athletes take various stimulants, ranging from steroids to exotic plant extracts. Professional soccer player Brandon Marshall says he knows players who also take Viagra, among other things: “There are guys who are on Viagra because it makes the blood thinner. Maybe it’s the fact that Viagra increases blood flow, which promotes faster distribution of substances in the body. Or maybe it’s also because one of the side effects of steroids is impotence. In any case, the World Anti-Doping Agency is planning to add Viagra to the list of banned drugs.

6. Treatment for cardiovascular disease

Some people think that taking Viagra may be dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases. But studies have shown that Viagra can be used successfully to treat many of them, including heart failure. This condition occurs when the heart is unable to pump large amounts of blood, causing shortness of breath and palpitations.

Using Viagra improves the heart’s ability to pump blood, thereby affecting the root cause of the disease. In addition, circulatory problems themselves can cause impotence. In addition, taking Viagra normalizes blood pressure, and using blue pills is much cheaper and less dangerous in terms of side effects than traditional therapy. In any case, Viagra can be a real cure for millions of people suffering from cardiovascular disease.

7. Treating Female Infertility

Viagra can help improve female fertility. The effects of Viagra on male potency are well known, but the blue pills can help women as well. The use of Viagra invaginally greatly increases the blood flow to the pelvic organs, which increases the ability of the mucous membrane of the uterus to attach the fertilized egg. Against the background of insufficient blood supply to the uterine mucosa, various problems arise, from inflammation to the inability to get pregnant – both natural and artificial means. It turns out that Viagra can effectively deal with these problems, as strange as it may seem.

8. Increased plant fecundity

Viagra increases the fertility of plants, which is especially important for crops. Apparently, Viagra affects humans and plants in the same way. Research conducted at Bar-Ilan University showed that when wilting plants were fed Viagra, they straightened out, became fresher and brighter. And this despite the fact that the plants were given only 2% of the human dose.

The secret is in the main ingredient of Viagra, nitric oxide. It dilates the blood vessels, increasing the blood circulation in the corpora cavernosa – such a mechanism produces an erection in men. A similar effect is observed in plants, so among vegetable gardeners Viagra may get a well-deserved recognition as an easy way to grow large fruits and amazingly beautiful flowers. And in the future Viagra’s contribution to solving the problems of world food shortages seems significant.

Viagra in the United Kingdom is dispensed only with a prescription, but you can buy Viagra online. You can order Viagra in UK from us and you will not be ashamed in front of your friends and acquaintances. Viagra online UK will help in any difficult situations and you will calm down without a headache, will not be nervous, at a time when you need it.

9. Saving premature babies

Nitric oxide not only helps maintain erections or grow flowers – it is also used in the treatment of prematurity in infants. In the past, inhaled nitric oxide was mostly used, but they caused a high rate of complications, most of which – such as pulmonary hypertension – are quite serious. The intensive care unit at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne used Viagra for the first time instead of traditional inhalations. The results were striking: none of the children who received Viagra had pulmonary hypertension, and overall, these children were discharged from the ICU four times faster than the others.

10. Fighting Terrorism

Afghan leaders work for the CIA in exchange for Viagra. In the fight against the Taliban, the CIA often has to resort to the help of Afghan warlords and clan leaders, who, among other things, do not say or show anything for nothing. The CIA has tried everything: money, dentists, school supplies – it hasn’t found anything that really carries weight. It turns out that even the powerful suffer from impotence. It would seem that the discovery was not a discovery at all, but the bosses were more than willing to agree to cooperate in exchange for a cure for erectile dysfunction. And this is quite understandable!

In Muslim countries, polygamy is quite common, and all wives are obliged to satisfy their husbands sexually. But all good things in life come to an end, especially erections – in modern Afghan life, men are often simply “not enough” for everyone. And age has its own effect. For example, one 60-year-old old man, who had four wives, graciously accepted an offer from the CIA to become their agent when he tried Viagra in action, and was promised a good deal more from further cooperation.

11. Improves memory

Information overload is a common cause of memory impairment in modern man surrounded by digital gadgets. Some studies show that Viagra solves this problem and even helps people with Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.

12. For swimmers.

Recent scientific work has found that sildenafil prevents and relieves pulmonary edema that develops in athletes after competing in very cold water. The first volunteers have already undergone the experimental treatment and have been very happy with the results.


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