Last Updated on February 19, 2017 by Dr.Derek Fhisher

Prednisolone Prednisolone 20, 40 mg
Most popular brand: Prednisolone
Active ingredient: Prednisolone
Available dosage forms: 20, 40 mg
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Prednisolone general information

Methylprednisolone is prescribed for curing conditions which are characterized by inflammation. The pain in this condition is unbearable, notwithstanding, it can be medicated with medications. There’s also preventative therapy. The majority of the time, it doesn’t require medical treatment.

Possessing enough sleep is the greatest approach to relax your tired body and mind. Should you be suffering from this kind of condition, talk with your physician as well as physical therapist to design a suitable exercise regimen on the basis of your own abilities. Though asthma is a typical condition which affects adults along with children, it really can be controlled with the aid of drug therapy and self-care measures. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome can cause death, and for that reason, medical help has to be sought if such symptoms are experienced.

Corticosteroids are among the most effective forms of medicine. In steroid burst, it truly is given in huge concentration for a very few days to acquire prompt results. Because of this, physicians began prescribing the drug more conservatively, and lots of people with arthritis proved so scared they often refused to be medicated with that. To be able to prevent any such issues, the withdrawal ought to be done gradually and under strict observation of the medical expert.

Osteoporosis is largely attributable to bone thinning usually following the age of 35 decades, for various reasons. It causes a gradual drop in testosterone levels, and may lead to many different developments in the human body and mental state. This provides rise to breathing troubles. Alternatively, you should eat several little and frequent meals to maintain a great body weight.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should take more precaution when choosing gout medication. On the opposite hand, secondary hyperhidrosis is distinguished by generalized sweating that’s caused because of a medical condition or the utilization of certain drugs. The dose is frequently adjusted taking into regard the answer to the therapy. Exposure to mercury might cause severe issues, one of which is hyperhidrosis.

In mild sweating, someone does not should change her or his clothing. Moreover, This can lead to night sweats. Such sweating is, in addition, accompanied by heartburn, excessive impulse to urinate during the night, sunken chest (in children) during sleep as well as dry mouth each morning. Abdominal dysfunction as a result of peptic ulceration might cause discomfort.

Medication taken for nausea while pregnant can also result in sweating. In addition, abnormal sweating may even be considered a withdrawal symptom. Consequently, if you experience night sweats, don’t try and self-diagnose the issue. Its effects may be observed in two or three hours.

Prednisolone can be exceedingly effective in some specific treatments and it’s not that everybody will experience its side outcomes. If there’s no other choice for treating your disorder, the physician might ask you to carry on taking Prednisolone. Don’t forget, that prednisolone can become a life-saver oftentimes if taken exactly as prescribed while the doctor is well-informed of your health care history. It ought to be taken exactly within the way it’s prescribed, otherwise it may cause many side results.

Phentermine, which truly is a drug that’s prescribed for controlling obesity, is also know to result in night sweats in people afflicted by sleep apnea. Corticosteroids are in reality drugs that are associated with cortisol, which is really a hormone synthesized naturally within the body by the adrenal cortex. Secondly, this medication can enlarge appetite, which then can intensify the total calorie intake.

It’s always best to consult with a doctor. A few of the medications, though, will want a prescription from the veterinarian. In summary, Prednisolone should not be taken less the prescription of the doctor. Additionally It is believed that usage of Prednisolone in pregnancy may lead to congenital abnormalities in babies.

Prednisolone is among the most frequently prescribed synthetic glucocorticoid drugs. As said above, Prednisolone is recommended while the body isn’t in a state to create enough glucocorticoids itself. Together with weight gain, Prednisolone can bring about osteoporosis by accelerating the procedure for bone loss. This may eventually lead to undesirable weight gain.

Prednisolone withdrawal ought to be gradual to be able to help the entire body to get started producing cortisol required to perform its various functions. Usually, Prednisolone treatment starts with a high dose that is gradually reduced over a course of few weeks. Nonetheless, it is advisable to finish the recommended span of Prednisolone dosage to receive the best of recovery outcomes. Your personal doctor may monitor the repercussions of Prednisolone withdrawal on your own entire body and suggest you to truly follow a specific procedure for example gradual decline in Prednisolone dosages by certain sum, altering your diet plan and suggesting you to really do a few exercises.

Prednisolone is among the utmost effective drugs obtainable in the industry today. The synthetic hormone Prednisolone is employed to treat several ailments. Prednisolone is created by dehydrogenation of cortisone. In summary, Prednisolone withdrawal treatment is principally accomplished by administering the individual with Prednisolone.

Prednisolone: instruction

hormonal (glucocorticoid for systemic and topical). Is dehydrated analogue of hydrocortisone.

In medical practice using Prednisolone and prednisolone hemisuccinate (for intravenously or / m introduction).

Prednisolone ; White or white with weak yellowish white crystalline powder and odorless. Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, chloroform, dioxane, methanol. Molecular weight 360,44.

prednisolone hemisuccinate ; white or white with Valium a white crystalline powder and odorless. Soluble in water. Molecular weight 460,52.


Mode of action – glucocorticoid, an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antishock, immunosuppressive.

interacts with specific receptors in the cytoplasm of cells and forms a complex, which penetrates the cell nucleus, binds to DNA and induces expression of mRNA or depression, changing formation on ribosomes proteins that mediate cellular effects. It increases synthesis of lipocortin, which inhibits phospholipase A 2 . liberatiou blocking arachidonic acid biosynthesis endoperekisey, PG. leukotrienes (contributing to the development of inflammation, allergy and other pathologic processes). Stabilizes lysosomal membranes, inhibits hyaluronidase, reduces the production of lymphokines. It affects alternative and exudative phase of inflammation, prevents the spread of the inflammatory process. Limiting migration of monocytes into the center of inflammation and inhibition of proliferation of fibroblasts are responsible for the anti-proliferative effect. It suppresses the formation of mucopolysaccharides, thereby limiting the binding of water and plasma proteins in the outbreak of rheumatic inflammation. It inhibits collagenase activity, preventing the destruction of cartilage and bone in rheumatoid arthritis.

Allergy effect is due to a decrease in the number of basophils, direct inhibition of secretion and synthesis of mediators of immediate allergic reactions. Causes lymphopenia and lymphoid tissue involution than due to immunosuppression. It reduces the content of T – lymphocytes in the blood, their impact on B – lymphocytes and the production of immunoglobulins. Reduces and increases the disintegration of the components of the complement system, blocking Fc – immunoglobulin receptors suppresses the function of leukocytes and macrophages. Increases the number of receptors and restore / increases its sensitivity to physiologically active substances, including to catecholamines.

decreased the amount of protein in the plasma, and protein synthesis, calcium binding enhances protein catabolism in muscle tissue. Enzyme promotes the formation of proteins in the liver, fibrinogen, erythropoietin surfactant lipomodulina. It promotes the formation of higher fatty acids and triglycerides, fat redistribution (increases lipolysis of fat in the limbs and its deposition on the face and in the upper half of the body). Increases resorption of carbohydrates from the gastrointestinal tract. Activity glucose – 6 – phosphatase fosfoenolpiruvatkinazy, resulting in mobilization of glucose in the bloodstream and enhance gluconeogenesis. Delays sodium and water, and promotes the excretion of potassium by mineralocorticoid action (less pronounced than that of natural glucocorticoids ratio gluco – and mineralocorticoid activity of 300: 1). Reduces the absorption of calcium in the intestine increases its elution from the bones and excretion by the kidneys.

Has protivoshokovym, stimulates the formation of some cells in the bone marrow, increased blood levels of erythrocytes and platelets, lowers ; lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, basophils.

Once inside quickly and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The plasma 70 – 90% is in a bound form with transcortin (kortikosteroidsvyazyvayuschy alpha 1 – globulin) and albumin. T max ingestion of 1 – 1,5 h Biotransformiroetsa by oxidation primarily in the liver and in the kidneys, small intestine, bronchus.. Oxidized forms glyukuroniziruyutsya or sulfated. T 1/2 from plasma ; 2 – 4 hours, from tissues ; 18 –. 36 hours Passes through the placental barrier, less than 1% of the dose enters the breast milk. Report the news, 20% ; in unchanged form.

Application of the substance Prednisolone

Parenteral Acute allergic reactions.; bronchial asthma, asthmatic status; prevention or treatment of thyrotoxic response and thyrotoxic crisis; shock, including resistant to other therapies; myocardial infarction; acute adrenal insufficiency; cirrhosis, acute hepatitis, acute liver – kidney failure; poisoning cauterizing liquids (to reduce inflammation and prevent scarring restrictions).

Intra: rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, post-traumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis (in the presence of pronounced signs of joint inflammation, synovitis).

tablets Systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, periarteritis nodosa, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis).; acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints: arthritic and psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis (including post-traumatic), arthritis, frozen shoulder, ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), juvenile arthritis, Still’s syndrome in adults, bursitis, nonspecific tenosynovitis, synovitis and epicondylitis ; rheumatic fever, acute rheumatic heart disease; bronchial asthma; acute and chronic allergic diseases: allergic reactions to medicines and foods, serum sickness, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, angioedema, drug rash, hay fever; skin diseases: pemphigus, psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis (with damage to a large surface of the skin), drug reaction, seborrheic dermatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell’s syndrome), bullous dermatitis herpetiformis, malignant exudative erythema (syndrome Stevens – Johnson); brain edema (including on the background of a brain tumor or associated with surgery, radiation therapy, or head injury) after a preliminary parenteral use; congenital adrenal hyperplasia; primary or secondary adrenal insufficiency (including the state after removal of adrenal glands); kidney disease of autoimmune origin (including acute glomerulonephritis), nephrotic syndrome; subacute thyroiditis; diseases of hematopoiesis: agranulocytosis, panmielopatiya, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, congenital (erythroid) hypoplastic anemia, acute lymphatic – and myeloid leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, thrombocytopenic purpura, secondary thrombocytopenia in adults, erythroblastopenia (red cell anemia); lung disease: acute alveolitis, pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis II – III Art .; tuberculous meningitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, aspiration pneumonia (in combination with a specific chemotherapy); berylliosis, Loeffler’s syndrome (not amenable to other therapy); lung cancer (in combination with cytotoxic drugs); multiple sclerosis; Gastrointestinal diseases (to remove the patient from the critical state): ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, a local enteritis; hepatitis; prevention of transplant rejection reactions; hypercalcemia on the background of cancer; nausea and vomiting during cytostatic therapy; allergic eye disorders: allergic corneal ulcers, allergic forms of conjunctivitis; inflammatory eye diseases: sympathetic ophthalmia, severe lingering front and rear uveitis, optic neuritis.

Maze . urticaria, atopic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, chronic simple lichen (restricted neurodermatitis), eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, discoid lupus erythematosus, simple and allergic dermatitis, drug reaction, erythroderma, psoriasis, alopecia; epicondylitis, tenosynovitis, bursitis, frozen shoulder, keloid scars, sciatica.

Eye drops: non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the anterior segment of the eye ; iritis, iridocyclitis, uveitis, episcleritis, scleritis, conjunctivitis, keratitis parenchymatous and disk-without damaging the epithelium of the cornea, allergic conjunctivitis, Blepharoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, inflammation after eye injuries and surgical interventions, sympathetic ophthalmia.


Hypersensitivity (for short-term use of the system for health is the only contraindication).

for systemic use: parasitic and infectious diseases of viral, fungal or bacterial origin (currently without the appropriate chemotherapy or recently transferred, including the recent contact with a patient): herpes simplex, herpes zoster (viremicheskaya phase ), chicken pox, measles; amoebiasis, strongyloidiasis (or suspected); systemic mycosis; active and latent tuberculosis. Application for serious infectious diseases is admissible only against the background of specific therapy. Immunodeficiency states (including AIDS or HIV – infection), post-vaccination period (the period of duration of 8 weeks before and 2 weeks after vaccination), lymphadenitis after BCG vaccination; Gastrointestinal diseases (including gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, esophagitis, gastritis, acute or latent peptic ulcer, recently established intestinal anastomosis, ulcerative colitis, with the threat of perforation or abscess, diverticulitis); cardio – vascular system, including recent myocardial infarction (in patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction may spread necrosis, slowing the formation of scar tissue and, as a result, the heart muscle rupture), decompensated chronic heart failure, hypertension, hyperlipidemia; endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus (including breach of tolerance to carbohydrates), hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease – Cushing; severe chronic renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, nefrourolitiaz; hypoalbuminemia and conditions predisposing to its occurrence; systemic osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis gravis . acute psychosis, obesity III – IV Art. polio (excluding the bulbar form of encephalitis), open – and angle-closure glaucoma, pregnancy, lactation.

For intraarticular administration . previous arthroplasty, abnormal bleeding (endogenous or caused by the use of anticoagulants), chressustavnoy fracture, infection (septic) inflammatory process in joints and periarticular infections (including history), general infectious disease marked periarticular osteoporosis, in the absence of signs of inflammation joint (so-called “dry” joint, such as osteoarthritis without signs of synovitis), severe bone destruction and deformity of joints (sharp narrowing of the joint space, ankylosis), instability of the joint as the outcome of arthritis, aseptic necrosis of the formative joint epiphyses of bones, pregnancy.

When applied to the skin: bacterial, viral, fungal skin diseases, cutaneous manifestations of syphilis, tuberculosis, skin cancer, acne vulgaris, acne rosacea (possible exacerbation), pregnancy.

Eye drops: viral and fungal diseases of the eye, acute purulent conjunctivitis, purulent infection of the eye mucous membrane and eyelids, purulent corneal ulcer, viral conjunctivitis, trachoma, glaucoma, a violation of the integrity of the corneal epithelium; Tuberculosis eyes; condition after the removal of corneal foreign body.

Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of corticosteroids during pregnancy is possible if the expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus (adequate and well-controlled studies safety of not performed). Women of childbearing age should be warned about the potential risk to the fetus (Corticosteroids cross the placenta). It is necessary to carefully monitor infants whose mothers during pregnancy were receiving corticosteroids (adrenal insufficiency may develop in the fetus and newborn).

Do not use often in large doses over a long period of time. Nursing women should discontinue either breast-feeding or the use of drugs. especially at high doses (corticosteroids penetrate into breast milk and could suppress growth, the production of endogenous corticosteroids and cause undesirable effects in the newborn).

prednisolone shown to be teratogenic in many species of animals treated with it in doses equivalent to the doses to humans. In studies in pregnant mice, rats and rabbits was recorded increase in the incidence of cleft palate in the offspring.

Side effects of substance Prednisolone

The frequency and severity of side effects depend on the method, the duration of application, the dosage used and the possibility of compliance circadian rhythm of destination LAN.

On the part of metabolism: delay Na + and fluid in the body, hypokalemia, hypokalemic alkalosis, negative nitrogen balance due to protein catabolism, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, increase in body weight.

From the endocrine system: secondary adrenal and hypothalamic – pituitary insufficiency (especially during stressful situations, such as illness, trauma, surgery); Cushing’s syndrome; growth suppression in children; menstrual irregularities; reduced tolerance to carbohydrates; manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus, increased requirements for insulin or oral antidiabetic drugs in patients with diabetes.

From the cardio – vascular system and blood (blood, hemostasis): increased blood pressure. development (in predisposed patients) or increased severity of chronic heart failure, hypercoagulation, thrombosis, ECG – changes typical of hypokalemia; in patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction ; spread necrosis, slowing the formation of scar tissue with a possible rupture of the heart muscle, artery occlusive disease.

From the musculo – skeletal system: muscle weakness, steroid myopathy, loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis, compression fracture of the spine, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head and shoulder bones, pathological fractures of long bones

From the digestive tract: steroid ulcer with possible perforation and hemorrhage, pancreatitis, flatulence, ulcerative oesophagitis, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, increased appetite.

For the skin: hyper – or hypopigmentation, subcutaneous and cutaneous atrophy, abscess, atrophic bands, acne, delayed wound healing, thinning of the skin, petechiae and ecchymosis, erythema, increased sweating.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: mental disorders, such as delirium, confusion, euphoria, hallucinations, depression; increased intracranial pressure syndrome stagnant nipples optic nerve (brain pseudotumor ; more common in children, usually after too rapid dose reduction, symptoms ; headache, worsening of visual acuity or double vision); sleep disturbances, dizziness, vertigo, headache; sudden loss of vision (for parenteral administration in the area of the head, neck, nasal turbinate, the scalp), the formation of posterior subcapsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure with possible damage to the optic nerve, glaucoma; steroid exophthalmos.

Allergic reactions: generalized (allergic dermatitis, urticaria, anaphylactic shock) and local.

Other: general weakness, masking the symptoms of infectious diseases, syncope, withdrawal syndrome.

When applied to the skin: steroid acne, purpura, telangiectasia, burning and itching of the skin, irritation and dry skin; long-term use and / or applied to large surface may be a manifestation of systemic side effects, the development of Cushing (in these cases supersede ointment); long-term use ointments may also develop secondary infections of the skin lesions, atrophic changes, hypertrichosis.

Eye drops: with prolonged use ; increased intraocular pressure, optic nerve damage, posterior subcapsular cataract formation, the severity of the violation and the narrowing of the field of vision (blurred or loss of vision, eye pain, nausea, dizziness), with thinning of the cornea ; the danger of perforation; rare ; spread of viral or fungal diseases of the eye.


With the simultaneous use of prednisolone and cardiac glycosides from – the emerging hypokalemia increases the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. Barbiturates, antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin, carbamazepine), rifampicin accelerates metabolism of glucocorticoids (through induction of microsomal enzymes), weaken their effect. NSAIDs.

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